Contact Me to Teach a Class

I am available to teach small group classes, most prominently in the Zentangle drawing technique, dot painting on rocks and paper, silk painting, and collaging.




I have received certification to teach workshops on the Zentangle Drawing Method, a structured drawing technique that is relaxing and fun. No artistic experience is needed to join the classes. The technique looks complicated, but once people learn the steps to draw the “tangles” on paper tiles, they can create beautiful drawings while also reducing stress.

At home, participants can continue their Zentangle practice to relieve tension when they feel stressed, are preparing for sleep, and for pure enjoyment.


Dot Painting on Rocks and Paper


Another fun, stress-reducing class I teach is painting acrylic dots on rocks and paper. Again, no artistic experience is required for this class.



I also teach collaging. This is a simple but resonant creative technique that can help people explore and express hidden emotions and deal with difficult issues in their lives, with the ultimate goal of reducing stress and self-soothing. Or they can do it just for fun and artistic expression!


Painting on Silk

Lastly, I teach silk painting. I start with simple designs to help students get the hang of how the paint travels on silk and how to use resists, but they can advance quickly with practice to more complex works. I like to start by combining painting with Zentangle-like patterns.

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